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        随着科技的不断发展,支付方式也不断的发生变化 ,扫码支付 、刷脸付的触角不断延伸 ,POS 机行业也被逼到了墙角。现实中手机扫码的移动支付方式比POS机方便 ,智能收银机的收银比POS机多功能,那么POS机行业的发展何去何从值得我们思考 。
        With the continuous development of technology, payment methods are also constantly changing. It seems that the widespread use of QR code payment pushes POS device into an embarrassing condition. It also reminds people to think about the development direction of the POS industry. Will the POS device be replaced in the future?
        值得一体的是,POS机行业并非穷途末路,反而实现了逆势增长。随着移动支付行业的监管力度加强 ,线下收单机构步入寒冬 ,本身已经发展完善的POS机行业再次成为众多餐饮零售经营者的选择 。
        It is worth mentioning that the POS industry is not at the dead end, on the contrary, it has achieved growth against the trend. As the supervision of the mobiles payment industry is strengthened and the offline collection agencies are still struggling, the POS industry once again became the priority choice of many F&B retailers with its mature features.
        移动支付的多种支付方式,但随着应用场景 、渠道 、数据量的增加 ,单一依靠手机进行支付似乎有点牵强,何况商户和消费者都熟知的支付方式。
        There is no doubt that mobiles payment owns multiple payment methods. However, under the increase of application scenes, channels and data volume, it seems a little far-fetched to rely solely on the mobiles phones to pay, let alone the payment method is familiar to both merchants and consumers.
        而随着市场需求量的强势增长和银行卡管理制度的完善,POS机行业发展前景一片大好。以人脸识别及生物识别技术赋能智能POS机满足消费者多样的支付习惯 ,优化传统 POS 机的升级难度、功能单一、扩展性和交互性差等诸多问题。
        Attribute to the strong growth of market demand and the improvement of the bank card management system, the POS industry has a promising future. Empowered by face recognition and biometric technology, the smart POS device can satisfy consumers’ diversified payment habits and optimize a host of questions of traditional POS such as upgrade difficulty, single function, poor expansion and interaction.
        正如天波TPS900, 即可支持人脸支付、指纹支付、二维码支付和NFC 、IC、磁条等支付方式 ,又可支持会员系统、卡券核销 、数据管理、物料和财务管理等增值服务,导出后台数据,方便日常运营维护 。并能以智能支付为入口 ,将商家和消费者连接起来。方便商家获取消费者的精准购物需求,对其进行精准营销。
        Take Telpo smart POS device TPS900 as an example. It can support multiple payment methods include face payment, fingerprint payment, QR code payment, NFC, IC and magnetic stripe card payment, but also enable value-added services like membership system, coupon cancellation, data management, data reports, etc. It is convenient for merchants to connect tightly with consumers and accurately grasp consumers needing and further make precise marketing.
        毫无疑问,第三方支付公司和各种代理商有着各自的优势,但对于盈利模式、二清风险、服务等问题,智能POS依然是不可或缺的 。总而言之,在智慧金融时代 ,能顺应发展潮流 ,优化行业规则,了解用户需求并持续创新的企业,才是最大的赢家。
        Each payment method has its characteristics, but when it comes to the profit model, second clear risk, service and other issues, a POS device is still necessary. In conclusion, in the era of smart finance, the biggest winner is the one who can follow the trend of development, optimize the rules of the industry and understand the needs of its users and continues to innovate.

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